FACT: the fashion industry from it’s shell is a horror show.

Sweat shops, shallowness, little diversity, impossible beauty standards and internships that dispose of dreams. 

Scrape it all back and let’s remember the real reason people keep investing:

 Fashion taps into our thinking. What it means to be human and to express ourselves. To use our imagination at any age.

The clothing we select is in conversation with today, culture, our mood and most importantly what it says to be different. To be ourselves and to be proud of that. 

Escapism, confidence,  fun, desire, comfort- fashion satisfies all these needs, not to mention, it adds a dash of much needed spice to our day. 


Last night’s epiphany: life is better with a leopard stuck to your back (or so Dolce and Gabbana believe).

After flicking through 85 pages of Farfetch’s current season of designer bags, the final 30 contestants are prepped and awaiting your amusement (and/or credit-card details).

Just to recap, that’s 180 bags per page…

Or 5, 300 BAGS in total! ( You can’t say mama don’t provide.)

Feast your eyes on the most extra, crazy bags that literally made me stop scrolling and ask

“what The F—k is that…”.

Step 2: Gather The Squad.  As this was Photoshop class this situation was well worth pausing the lesson. ** Teacher included**

See, that’s one of the Pro’s of studying fashion. Instead of hiding your tabs, you can just air them without fear or judgment. Online shopping being the equivalent of an excursion to the zoo or a free team-building exercise.

Step 3: View price-tag and laugh some more, with some vowing that the Tacky-train has definitely left the station….

                      … only for said student to design their own crazy bag line in the near-distant future.

Yeah you transparent-cheeka, I hear your thoughts. And I mean, could you blame them?

These bags prove that fashion can be hilarious, weird and fabulous all at once. Fashion doesn’t have to be as serious as Devil Wears Prada, it can be whatever you choose.

Enjoy x
